First Entry
Published on Monday, December 30, 2024
Hello there! Welcome to my blog!
I decided to part with the old blog entries because I don't really think there was much to them.
The best thing is that now all of the blog stuff is automated! No more arbitrary blog scripts,
even more features (including icons
and I even made it use markdown too with mdsvex!
Huge thanks to this article by Josh Collinsworth in particular as this is basically how the blog system here works.
the site rewrite
You may wonder why I decided to rewrite my entire site. I did so because maintaining everything got a little finicky, what with all the copypasting that needed to be done. As a result I fell out of maintaining the site and not much about it changed. I kept thinking of things to add to it, but I wouldn't because I didn't feel like working on the site. So hopefully the rewrite changes this.
I rewrote the site with svelte as I had already used svelte to make my original pquirrel site.
That time I also used TailwindCSS but this time I decided to try and forego it because that got
a bit messy really quickly, so this site just uses plain CSS in style tags.
I also decided to do a few enhancements while I was rewriting things. Probably the thing you'll notice most is the new animations, which you can see even on this page (try hovering on "pquirrel!"). That's probably the most significant thing, but there are other things too (including a thumbnail system for the art page so that you don't have to download 10MB of images).
year in review
I guess since I'm writing this literally on the last day of 2024, I think I could use this article as an opportunity to look back at this year. And holy crap, this was one of the years of all time.
First of all, this was the first full year of Geometry Dash 2.2, and I've done better this year than probably any previous year in GD. I actually got a featured level, something I've wanted since I first was aware of one of my levels getting on the magic tab in 2019 (the level was called "real party hours", and I'm wording it this way because I have a suspicion that my oldest surviving level "Grin Temolgy X" might've also made it to the magic tab but since I was unaware of what that was back then, I don't know for sure). I also managed to finally defeat New Record, as well as Night Rider, two very difficult Extreme Demons. I'm also really proud of my first platformer level, Spunky Sprintin', which is probably my most distinct level to date. I've started my second big platformer level, but that one has a boss fight which has caused progress to slow to a crawl ever since July. Hopefully I'll get it out in 2025 but I'm unsure about that. I've also started a new level in the past few days which seems like it'd be a similar story to vhi or Lightyear, just rushing through the build for a full level. I think it will be cool and awesome.
In other news I've also watched a whole lot of new stuff. Probably the most significant thing that happened was watching all of BFDI for the first time in January (an age and a half ago at this point tbh). Since my first binge, it has become one of my favorite shows, and I always enjoy when a new episode releases. I also started watching a few other object shows afterwards, so yeah I'm an object show enjoyer now I guess. Additionally, I also watched The Matrix for the first time (I don't really remember any other movies I watched for the first time in 2024 that weren't new), and I thought it was cool.
This year also brought a whole lot of changes as to my identity. I joined the fediverse on the Leap
Day (at, where I began using a new username, pquirrel, for
the first time. After joining fedi I met a whole lot of new friends, and it's become one of the spots where I am online. I got to make plenty of shitposts, and I got to do things with the
creatures on fedi (such as a geometry dash collab (the first I've really been in since 2020) that
faltered (rip)). I also made my fursona, and she is my favorite creation this year (which is why
she's my pfp elsewhere) But what's probably most important is that I finally accepted that I am
a girl
Overall, I'd call this a certified year of all time. It definitely was different than 2021-2023, which all felt kinda samey. I guess that ends this first entry so I guess I'll catch you creatures whenever I feel motivated to write again. :3
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