Test Article

Please Ignore


This is what I called my main testing article which I used to test out the quick blog template generation script I made (which was inspired by zonelets).

Welcome to my blog: A place where I can just put whatever I want, no limit to words, nothing like that. As with most things starting out, it is very likely to see some changes soon enough. Regardless, I'm happy with what I've made.

I think the about section of the home page introduces this website well enough, therefore this article is really just welcoming you to the blog section. In that case, web explorer (because I doubt a non-explorer would simply wander into here without searching), hello! I hope you've enjoyed my site. I've put a lot of work into it these past few days.

I also planned for a blog section on my old site, but I guess that's what ultimately killed that site off for me as what I tried to write was too much. (I was going to write about my top favorite games, which ended up as the top 60; if I try this again, I'll limit myself to top 10 or something)

I guess to end things off, just some more things. First of all, for any links to corporate sites, I recommend LibRedirect, as it'll save you the hassle of loading the big site and let you skip to a nicer alternative frontend. It's better to avoid such anyways, but for some cases, the sites can't be avoided. Secondly, if the pixel font is a little unreadable, maybe try your browser's reader mode. Finally, I'm not sure how to set up RSS but if I could set that up it would be pretty cool. AFAIK it involves doing something to an XML file but with my generation python script I'm pretty sure I could handle RSS upon article creation. Expect another icon on the blog page if that's done.

Edit: 2024-07-19
I managed to add RSS. Turns out, like its name, it was really simple.