Pixelated Quirrel face Pixelated Quirrel face that's winking Pixelated Quirrel face that's blinking


Protogen with lavender fur Protogen with lavender fur
my 'sona!

This is the home for all art of my lovely protogen-cat fursona Catabit.
First, check out her introduction card!

Information card for my protogen-cat fursona Catabit. At the top of the card, her 
        name is written in large cursive text on the left. On the right is additional 
        information, including her species (listed as protogen-cat), her pronouns (she/her), 
        and pride flags (trans & bi). On the bottom left is an image of her, showing her giving 
        a big smile, having glasses, and having a cube on the other side screen of her visor 
        (more details about her appearance can be found in the linked post). To the right of 
        this is two info sections. The "about" section reads: "Catabit is a 
        protokitty (not just a protogen) who's cute but also a huge nerd. She will definitely 
        talk about the things she likes given the opportunity, but it is kinda impossible for 
        her to start any sort of conversation. She will easily accept you as a friend if you 
        are nice, and she's always willing to help if you don't know something she knows." 
        The "additional info" section has 3 bullet points: "Loves to play 
        Geometry Dash," "Is silly very often," and "Side screens on visor 
        can show other things, but she likes to show a cube and monomon mask because 
        she likes those."

Quill Quill

Here's more Catabit lore.

physical description

Catabit is a protogen-cat hybrid creature. Don't ask how it happened, it just did. Aside from the visor, she's around 80% cat 20% protogen on the outside. She also happens to be very fluffy. As a result of her fluffiness and visor, her head looks like a protogen, but her cat ears and the rest of her body show what she is.
Catabit wears her visor pretty much all of the time, but can take it off. This is a rare sight, as she otherwise just looks like an ordinary cat, and she wants to stand out. She also has glasses shown on her visor because she likes them, not because she needs them to see clearly. Her bow similarly stays on her often, but she may occasionally replace it with some other pretty object (such as a flower) or have it off entirely.
Because she is a cat, Catabit has a feline physique. She has 4 cat paws with cat claws. Her tail is also just a cat tail, but it is very fluffy and has a blue tip which makes it kinda look like a fox tail (but she has no relation to foxes). Catabit often sports her red collar, which has a bell attached to it. Catabit also likes to paint her claws; she typically colors them blue to match her face and tail tip.
You're likely to find Catabit wearing one of a few different outfits. She doesn't have that much of a preferred style; as long as it's at least kinda cute, it's fair game for her. She's still kinda new to this.
Catabit's visor and other technological features run as one unified computer system on Linux. This gives her a great amount of freedom of expression, as she is able to control parts of herself linked to this system. The system also has some other features, such as a few USB Type-A ports that can link up to peripherals to do things, such as connecting with an external speaker to play her favorite songs or with an external drive to store memories.


Catabit is very shy, and often finds it hard to express what she truly likes around others. As a result, those who are close to her or those who share her interests get lots of affection, as she is much more comfortable sharing what she loves, resulting in her feeling much more open about being her truest self.
She desires affection, but finds it really hard to express. She gets flustered very easily, and will practically melt if treated warmly (even for something as little as being called cute). You can tell when she is flustered as her face turns a rosy red color. She also likes being praised.
Catabit is quite a nerd. She knows a lot about math and computers and stuff and is big brained, even without any technological enhancements. She could probably explain a complicated topic in a way that's easily understandable, though she doesn't find herself in too many situations where this is warranted nor is she confident enough in herself to really do so.


Little is known about Catabit's past. Aside from the fact that she was born sometime around 20-25 years ago, as well as a few interests from her earlier days, nothing about Catabit's past has been revealed. It is likely to stay this way, as she doesn't tend to talk about her past outside of the media she liked then.
We can infer some information based on the model number on her back. She tends to hide this, and she hides this well, but it is ultimately a part of her. The model number shows that Catabit didn't always present as female, and she likely didn't do so for many years simply from not knowing that she could. Based on the media she says she liked a few years ago, we can also assume that she knew that she could change her gender presentation for quite a while before she actually did, though we ultimately don't know the reason why she might not have done so until recently. Perhaps she might've been a bit nervous about it, or perhaps she might've had some circumstances that prevented her or made her afraid to do so. Either way, this is a topic she tends to only look forwards at, and she won't really talk about it beyond what she's comfortable with.

other details

  • Catabit is kinda literally me, kinda my interface with the digital/fictional/imaginary world.
  • Catabit is definitely more of a meower than a beeper, but while she does meow often she may beep occasionally. She can also make other sounds, but she only tends to do so if it's funny.
  • Her speech is generally represented by this font.
  • She tends to wear some white gloves on occasion when doing creative work. This prevents accidental scratches in case she gets angry or involuntarily starts to scratch another surface.

Paint Palette Paint Palette
more art

Here's some more art of Catabit!