Pixelated Quirrel face

Vi Bug Fables Face icon bgug fable

This is the homepage for bgug fable, a tiny series of Bug Fables comics.

A two panel "bgug fable color!" comic titled "vi says fuck again". Vi looks at the viewer in the first panel, then, with the exact same look in the second panel, says fuck.

Vi says fuck again

A 4 panel "bgug fable color!" comic titled "bgugbo". In it, Vi encounters Bugbo, standing still. Vi asks "who the hell are you‽". Bugbo then proceeds to look at Vi. In the last panel, Vi is in her death pose, while Bugbo stands in the same pose as the first panel.


A 4 panel "bgug fable color!" comic titled "geometry dash". In it, Leif asks Vi what she's doing, and she respons "Just playing some Geometry Dash" while in front of a computer. Leif then asks "How do you play?" while Vi goes on about how to play. Vi then says "Most importantly, you need to say these words when you fail," and proceeds to whisper something to Leif. The final panel fast-forwards, with Leif now at the computer. Kabbu walks into the room with a shocked expression, stating "Hey guys — LEIF OH MY GOODNESS THOSE ARE BAD WORDS STOP RIGHT NOW", while Leif says a flurry of swears, presumably with the same neutral expression he typically has.

geometry dash

A 4 panel "bgug fable color!" comic titled "swearing". In it, Vi and Kabbu from Bug Fables are walking through the upper portion of Snakemouth Den near its entrance, with Kabbu in front. Vi says "why the fuck is this cave so dark?" with emphasis placed on "fuck." Kabbu responds by saying "Vi, swearing is not ok. Please don't do that again." Vi exclaims with a smile "fuck off!" with emphasis placed on "fuck" again. Kabbu then proceeds to swipe Vi with his horn.


A 4 panel "bgug fable color!" comic titled "paying taxes". In it, a tax collector comes to ask the members of Team Snakemouth "Tax collector, do you have berries?" Kabbu responds happily, saying "Here you go" while handing over some berries. Leif appears shaken, saying "Oh dear, we forgot." Vi runs away in panic, leaving behind her beemerang while screaming "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" Finally, Chompy doesn't speak, as she is "Literally a baby" and "also a plant with no concept of language."

paying taxes